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Mod enabling through NMM (Best viewed with the white forums background)


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I have a question about the order of things I should enable first.



1. The reason for this question is when I enable something after a base item (As an example enabling ARWCSM 1st, Def_UI 2nd, then the DEF_UI ARWCSM patch 3rd) I will get a pop up saying something like "DEF_UI has already changed xxx.xxx, do you want to install this instead?". First, to me, it looks confusing. Is it asking do I want to overwrite the file that DEF_UI changed? Or is it asking me Do I want to overwrite the file that DEF_UI ARWCSM patch? The options are "Yes to All, Yes to Mod, Yes to (Actually I can't remember all, I think, 6 choices)"


2. These are the Mods I have, and I know there has to be a correct order that they should be enabled. I know that LOOT & Wrye will help me with the loading order and missing files that I would need to enable in order for the mod to work. I just want to know what is the correct way to enable them for the overwriting that happens during some mods.


Major Mods I have in alphabetical order like in NMM:


01. ARWCSM - 0 - DEF_INV Compatibility Patch (Am aware that DEF_INV is now DEF_UI)

02. ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless

03. Alternate Furniture

04. Alternate Settlements - 1.1

05. Alternate Settlements - v1.2 (Have to have 1.1 to make 1.2 work)

06. Apocalypse Attire - CBBE


08. Armorsmith Extended

09. CBBE (Using a male protagonist, so not worried about the BodySlide & Outfit Studio that I have loaded)

10. Color Map 4K with Locations

11. DEF_UI

12. DCMS SettlerRenaming

13. Gold Kit for Color Pipboy

14. Homemaker - Expanded Settlements

15. Legendary Modification

16,17 & 18. Loving Cait, Curie & Piper

19. Settle - Settlement Resources Revived

20. Settlement Blueprints

21. SK

22. SSEx

23. Valdacil's Item Sorting

24. Zoom-out Extender for World and Local Maps



I have other mods as well, the ones I listed I feel are the base mods and if I get question #1, up at the top of this post, then I can figure out the rest of the order to enable and what to answer when that pop-up appears.


If it makes it any easier to answer the enabling order, just go by the number. Sorry for the long post, I'm just a little confused and don't want to crash the game.




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