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Need Help With New Birthsign Mod


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Mornin - I was fiddling with TESCK and I cant figure out how the hell to add a birthsign to the menu..I got the birthsign in, sorta. I made the effects.. but what I cant figure out is how to a: Get the effects into the birthsign itself, b: how to make sure the birthsign is in game (selectable) and C: how to make sure the game will continue properly upon the selection of a new birthsign. Anyone up to helping? :) Attached should be the files required.


Also: new artwork - http://www.alt-ink.com/fm4k/gambler.jpg- how's it look? :D

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The effects of a birthsign are linked to abilities (for stat boosts, constant effects) and powers (for other stuff). The problem is that the game doesn't properly register new abilities for races/birthsigns which are added by mods. This means that you need to do some scripting which checks the player's birthsign, and then adding the spells to the player if they happen to be that birthsign.

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Well crap. That's no good at all - so... theres really no way to do it then.. the add new birthsigns.. without being a serious scriptmonkey? :( thats depressing.

Not a serious script issue, just need something to run and check for the birthsign, then add some spells. If you set it up as a constant quest script (incase the player changes their birthsign outside chargen) you could probably piece the script together without much knowledge.

It's pretty much all




with maybe


if you want to have the abilities removed if the player was that birthsign, but changed to something else through cheating.

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