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Best companion Mod and why ?


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Ummmm... so what's this topic about "Best companion mod and why?" isnt exactly a grand insight. :huh:


I think a lot of it depends on what you are looking for. Do you need a mage? A marksman? A person who is a mage might look for a warrior-type.


I think that if one is to even approach this, you need to ask the right questions.


The best mage (or warrior/marksman/etc) companion? Now there's something more approachable.


The best all-around seems a bit too broad. Best how? Best in being bug-free? Best in being the most helpful? o_O

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I dunno really, the only companion mods i use are CM's companion mod and toastie says share's companion mod and there really only because my CS is duffed up so i cant edit the neeshka companion, Also having companions trailing behind u while slogging through and ayleid ruin getting killed every 5 minutes by a hidden swinging blades trap is actually very irritating as u have to wait over there beaten corpse while they regain conciosness and then have 2 put up them giving away ur position while trying 2 rob white gold tower!!!! :wacko:
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