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Need Help with Guards


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Playing my Female Assassin/Thief toon i was having a blast, but then i thought i would kill somebody for the day, It was the Imperial Citie's Stable, i saw 2 women outside, One Orc, The other an Imperial, so i walked inside, so a man sleeping i thought to my self "Mmmm this looks like the perfect canidate, so i snuck up to em, pulled out me dagger, and killed him oh it was so nice, i laughed in his face, I have the bloody mess mod so i walked outside covered in blood the 2 women stare at me blankly.. it was raining so it washed off the blood, walked up to the city gates like nothing happend walked inside, Right... when i got inside... RIGHT when i got their 3 guards showed up and i dident have enough gold to pay so either they could arrest me or send me to jail... i quit right their to post this lol, i do have the psycic guards mod tho that lowers the sound alarm but the thing is i killed the dude in 1 blow and he dident even hollar, i made me sooooo damn mad, how the hell can i get around this issue, i wanna kill some peeps secertly and not get caught unless i do it in front of them.... please please tell me


Thank you in advance

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Did the guy in the stables take more than one hit 2 kill him? if so then that will be the problem and there's mods out there 2 sort that problem, if that was'nt the case, was ur bounty up before u killed him? apart from that i cant see any sort of problem with killing someone silently and getting away with it!... oh wait i figured it out!!!! i think i saw that blood mod before and I beleve it said in the read-me that it would make guards suspicious getting covered in blood (probably for realism's sake) so i suggest disabling the mod and killing him again, hope that helped... :happy:
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  Heretic666 said:
Did the guy in the stables take more than one hit 2 kill him? if so then that will be the problem and there's mods out there 2 sort that problem, if that was'nt the case, was ur bounty up before u killed him? apart from that i cant see any sort of problem with killing someone silently and getting away with it!... oh wait i figured it out!!!! i think i saw that blood mod before and I beleve it said in the read-me that it would make guards suspicious getting covered in blood (probably for realism's sake) so i suggest disabling the mod and killing him again, hope that helped... :happy:



lol ya it did i had saved AFTER i killed him so i cant do that again so i just did "Player.payfine" for that one maybe i killed him in 2 hits.... Hmm alright well lemme try one more time and get back to you,

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