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Fixing the render window


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When you expand the render window while viewing a cell, it makes things go partly invisible and doesn't seem to function properly after that. I have to reload my mod to fix it... Is there a way I can stop this from happening, like in the custom.ini or something?
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This is an issue I have and have had. I've often wondered if it affected everyone, though I'm pretty sure it doesn't. My best guess is it's a driver issue.


Basically, I just never resize the window. Set a size you like and leave it. Personally, I have two monitors, and just let it take up the entire second monitor (makes editing a LOT easier). If you have the means, I can not stress enough how much difference two monitors makes. Probably a 10 fold increase in productivity alone. That said, my first year of modding was on a 15" laptop.


Anyway, back to your point, I don't know of any way around that except to just reload the mod.

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I do have multibounds off. When I had multibounds on, I had the issue where objects literally wouldn't show up at all, however could be found in the cellview object list. So I'm semi-sure it isn't a multibound issue.


EDIT: I will try the F5 refresh attempt now...


EDIT 2: Does anyone here now how to disable that click+drag selection that makes 2 white lines (not that click and drag box) that select a bunch of stuff I always accidentally do that and it selects so many things that I get lagged... :wallbash:

Edited by Skibblets
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ok so the invisible thing doesnt wanna work anymore. I believe it does it when you have the geck up and the game up which messes with the resolution of the geck. However my new issue is the white line thing I mentioned above. I HATE IT. When you are trying to expand the size of the render window, when you are click and dragging an object into the render window, you sometimes get this selection tool of some kind by accident, and it selects a lot of objects and seems to rotate itself as you move your mouse holding down the mouse button. These white lines....... -.-


Where can i turn them off if at all. I'm getting very annoyed with them and i never use them.

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Ya, you should not be editing in a cell and also have the actual game running at the same time.


As for group select, there is not a setting that I can find to modify or turn that off.

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is that the name of the selecting type? Because when I click and drag a box I like it, but when im trying to expand the render window or move it and it makes those lines and selects like everything i can't stand it.
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