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How to save player-characters face for new playthrough

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I want to start a new playthrough, but I want to re-use my character's face. I am using Oblivion Character Overhaul, and I looked through the race menu. I copied down all the numbers for all the metrics for my character's face. There are a ton of them. In the new save, when I start race menu as I move one slider, the other sliders move making the task of recreating the first face very difficult.


Is there any easier way to edit my character's face?

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If I recall correctly, Wrye Bash can copy a face from a save file to an ESP. You can then copy the face from the ESP to another save file. I've done this several times to preserve my original character through three or four different iterations so far, though I haven't played in a while due to unrelated technical problems.

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Have you tried using Racemenu's save as a preset option?


This is the Oblivion section, and as far as I know, there is no equivalent of RaceMenu for the game (in case someone happened to read this and is about to go off to search RaceMenu on the Oblivion section). It would be great, though, I also use RaceMenu presets myself when I want to achieve my character's face as fast as possible. It also makes it possible to craft faces for custom NPCs, in case someone is struggling with the Creation Kit.


And yes, Wrye Bash has the options to copy player character face from one savegame to another. Check the "Saves" tab, right-click on savegame and there should be some sort of an option there (cannot remember exactly, should be obvious enough). Been a while since I last did it, too. But last I checked, it did work, just make sure to first set the race correct in-game.

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Unfortunately when trying to use the sliders to recreate a face you are faced with the problem that when you move one slider others also get moved (even when using the Construction Set to get the exact numbers). You could try unticking the Link Sliders I guess, but the way that Glitchpedia and Contrathetix have outlined really is the best way. Once you have it backup the New Mod that Wrye Bash creates with the face in it and your character will become immortal.

Edited by Striker879
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Have you tried using Racemenu's save as a preset option?


This is the Oblivion section, and as far as I know, there is no equivalent of RaceMenu for the game (in case someone happened to read this and is about to go off to search RaceMenu on the Oblivion section). It would be great, though, I also use RaceMenu presets myself when I want to achieve my character's face as fast as possible. It also makes it possible to craft faces for custom NPCs, in case someone is struggling with the Creation Kit.


And yes, Wrye Bash has the options to copy player character face from one savegame to another. Check the "Saves" tab, right-click on savegame and there should be some sort of an option there (cannot remember exactly, should be obvious enough). Been a while since I last did it, too. But last I checked, it did work, just make sure to first set the race correct in-game.


I use OBMM for my mod management, would I be able to still use Wyre Bash for this?

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I use OBMM for my mod management, would I be able to still use Wyre Bash for this?



Yes, you could. Just make sure to double-check your load order before launching the game. Generally, though, you should be using Wrye Bash for both load order management and Bashed Patch creation. It has been years since I last tried OBMM for installing mods (and it was a nightmare). Cannot remember if it has any load order management at all.


But yes, you can use WB for savegame-related stuff.

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