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Why don't anyone come to my aid??


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Hi. I'm new here in this forum, but I have played Morrowind, (and the add-ons), since they came in shop. I live in southern Finland. I play a lot of strategy- and role games.


There is this possibility, if you are near a city, and you are being attacked. You run into the city and the guards do the job. (Yes, I know. I'm real wuss.) But it helps me, especially when the attacker is an alit or kagouti.. The same problem is, when the dark brothers come. Even, when you are in your own guild, no-one comes to my aid. As I would help my friend in need. How come these rats won't? I'm new to modding, and I don't know, if I can make ths a mod. But it really should be a ability. I was attacked by the dark brothers in mages guild, where I'm in high rank. No-one came to my aid. threw some shock- and fireball to the direction of the guy, but it hit my associate. Then everybody attacked me.. This is really annoying. Could there be a way to mod, that guards, (and guild associates), would come to my aid. Any help appreciated..

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There definitely is a what to do this, as Morrowind Comes Alive utilises this to have the guards attack the introduced hostile NPCs. From this I can only assume that it would be possible to do this with guild members as well.


The best way to find out, if no one else can help, would be to ask the author, who could probably be found either here or at planet elder scrolls. Look for Morrowind Comes Alive 5.2.

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