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Two ED-E Mods


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Okay, two things would make ED-E more awesome.


First, what sucks about the quest ED-E My Love is that the ED-E's armor upgrade is much better than her weapon upgrade, but you get a better ending if you get the weapon upgrade. Perhaps we can remedy this? But it can't interfere with the ending you get for ED-E. So, armor upgrade, but still Followers of the Apocalypse ending for ED-E.


Second, ED-E's Enhanced Sensors perk can be very confusing. I can never tell if an enemy is only a few yards away or way over behind a mountain. I'd like an edit to ED-E companion Perk that gets rid of the enhanced field of Perception, but keeps the ability to detect (on your compass) and target (in VATS) invisible enemies.


I've tried to do both myself, but it seems to be beyond my meager modding capabilities.

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