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Leveling is so slow


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Oh, right, some leveling mods, especially smooth levelers, set the progression bar at 100% just ...because. It takes a little more work to calculate how to move the bar is all. That doesn't mean RL is broken. If RL didn't work like that before, overwriting its menus with the menu files from some other mod might contribute to that result. Still, that doesn't effect the leveling mod's main functionality. I think your game is okay in this case.




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Which do you believe is better, XP or RL? (I am assuming they can't be used together.)

They are completely different. I can't say one or the other is better. Design wise, they are both good. I prefer smooth leveling and letting my characters skills develop around my gameplay, instead of distributing the experience as I please. So, I would choose Realist Leveling (although I use a different smooth leveler, nGCD, the spirit successor to KCAS for me). Maybe you should just try Oblivion XP Update. If these words do not suffice to describe the change (and they probably don't) it certainly shouldn't take long for you to see it in game. It is a completely different skill progression system.




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