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How to fix this tree


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after install better city and some texture(RTNM all 3 part)

I use OBMM to install better city and Copy textture(Only texture file) to folder texture then use BOSS,everything work fine but this tree really no idea what texture from?

Only this tree is my big problem Please help - -"

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thank you for advice

I use refscofe and it appear dialog like this


then deactivate xulimperialisle.esp

the tree gone and the view too...but it seem the same tree in difference area still the same(purple objects)

how can I found out want tree or texture I missing?

deactivate the mod seem not solve all problem


thank you again :biggrin:

Edited by Pajiman
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I think it's the tree that's the issue. The reference doesn't matter. You can go ahead and reactivate that UL now. Make sure you have the latest version of UL Imperial Isle and that it's fully installed. Have you enabled BSA Redirection? Not doing so could cause this.


To enable BSA Redirection, check the corresponding radio button in OBMM's Utilities > Archive Invalidation dialog






Edit: What is RTNM? Is that another texture mod? It looks like you're messing textures for the leaves or something. I guess it could be the tree mesh referencing the same texture over and over, but it doesn't look like an issue with the UL mod.

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