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Cowering Enemies


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I'm having a problem in my game where I start fighting an enemy, and in the middle of the fight, they start running away and cowering for no apparent reason. I don't remember ever having this problem before I started modding the game, so I'm inclined to think that one of the mods I'm running is responsible. I'm currently using the Mikoto beauty pack, Type3 Leather Armors, Annie Arken face, Type3 Body and Armor replacer, and Slinky Dress Set for Type3. Has anyone else had this problem, or know how to fix it?
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Yes I had a similar problem when combining Momod and VVV. Even if the npc had the weapon equipped it would just run around like an idiot instead.. I had to remove VVV because of it :(


As for why its happening to you, i'm sorry I can't say for certain, my immediate guess would be any kind of AI changing mod or conflicting ones, but as i can't see anything like that in your list.. I guess thats not the issue. Sorry I couldn't be of any more help.

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VVV (and especially hardened) goes out of its way to alter things that don't really need any tweaking, at least the versions I tested before I gave up on the mod. Combat AI is definitely something it interferes with.


Does this occur in a new game, or just saved games where values may have been changed by a mod that you have since removed?

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