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Invisible Models


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I've stated getting mods for FO4 off of the nexus a few weeks ago and downloaded a small hand full of mods. Every on though has had the exact same problem and I'm starting to think that it's on my end and likely has to do with the INI changes I was told to make to get any mods to work. The exact problem is that both the model and texture for every item added by the mods in completely invisible. Also now that the creation kit is in beta I started using mods off of it, and non of them are having this problem. how can I fix this? I'd like to be able to use mods from both places and not be limited to just one.

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Used to be, we altered our ini and Fallout 4 knew to use the modded meshes and textures just fine.... but now, we have to strip that line (bArchiveInvalidation) out of our ini files or the game will crash....


I tried using the Reset Archive Invalidation feature of the Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) but whatever that used to do, doesn't work any more, either, it seems. It looks like we may just have to wait until brighter minds figure out a way to slap some sense into the Fallout engine and make it see the changes we want made.

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