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Is Fallout 4 Scripting Implemented?

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I've downloaded the CK yesterday and throughout the night was playing around with it. I'm trying to implement a simple lock/unlock script fragment to a terminal (and followed the CK website guidelines as well as examples Beth has in game) but I can't get the door to unlock from the Terminal in game.


I know everything is still in Beta so I'm wondering if I should keep everything barebones for now and implement the scripting part of it later on. Is anyone else having a hard time getting Terminal Fragments to fire?

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Alright after some testing I found that the fragment on the console isn't fireing at all, is there something I need to change in an INI somewhere that will allow the game to read custom scripts? Everything on the CK side is running smoothly and compiling so I'm thinking it has to do with the game itself...and yes the mod itself is active, its only the script that isn't being read.

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Look up MS17ChambersTerminal "Terminal" [TERM:000F0C5D]

In there under VMAD, it starts with the script name, then it has various properties that have FORMid references to specific jail doors.

It uses this script which has entries like:
"Function Fragment_Terminal_02(objectreference akTerminalRef)

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Thanks for giving me a starting point. I've set everything up the way that terminal is set and I've put debugs in the script just to see where it's stopped. I've set the quest to GameStart and also used FormIDs. Funny thing is that the quest is not read either just like the terminal; it actually doesn't start...it's really strange since the scripts compile properly and it says that there aren't any error.


I'm going to continue fiddling with it to see if there is something that can be done.

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After further testing I can confirm that my Terminal Fragment is not being read at all, no matter if I click on the option and something should happen next it doesn't.


Also just as a side note for anyone who cares to know that the reason the Debug is not showing in game is mechanical, Beth altered that part of the scripting process. So the Debug commands like trace and notification don't actually get compiled into the final script you need to run it in DebugMode which I'm not too sure yet how to do that.

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What do you mean by that?


The script is attached to the Terminal itself through the fragments section. Then when the option is selected it uses a function from the controller quest to carry out what it needs to do. I've tried doing it directly through the fragment itself and later changed it to calling upon a quest to allow all the switches and controls for the custom vault to be controlled through the same place. And both ways still offer the same results.

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Well I just feel like the dumbest person ever...


It seems that what people have been posting about not needing to add those lines to the Fallout4.INI is wrong. Without those lines there the game just completely ignores any loose files so it is necessary to make the changes to the INI files even now with the CK in Beta. I really should have checked that before posting about this :sweat: .


Thanks for the help!

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