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Trouble re-sizing an object in NifSkope


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Hey folks,


I'm simply attempting to scale down the army helmet so it better fits my characters puny head, but any changes I make to the mesh in NifSkope don't show up in game.


I've extracted the mesh I need and opened it up in NS, from there I right clicked on it, selected transform -> edit - and set the scale to 75% of its original size.


After that I saved the new mesh and put it into the right file path in my games data folder, but I see no changes.


I read on a couple of sites that after re-sizing something in NS you have to right click -> transform and click "Apply" but there is no apply option for me.



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I have yet to play with armor and such that are skinned meshes, as they have another layer of stuff to deal with.. but to get an Apply, you need to be adjusting a NiNode itself typically. I would have to look at the army helmet mesh, but you may be able to adjust the main NiNode (0), and then apply to that.. but I am not sure if that will screw with the skin / bones or not, I feel like it would..

Depending on where the pivot point is, when you scale something, it may shift up / down / side to side, too, which could really mess it up.

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