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Custom Enemy Won't use Custom Spell


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Hi everyone I have this issue. My custom Mage Enemy won't use a custom spell. Here is the spell and the enemy data.




As the name suggests, the spell is an explosion that sends enemies flying like unrelenting force, the target is "self" its not aimed. It works perfectly if the player uses it but this spell is not for the player is for my Custom Enemy. I want the enemy to cast this thing. But the stupid enemy wont use it when I activate the enemy he fights using his hands. I've tried everything, changing the enemy combat style, class, actor base, AI data, I added those conditions you see in the screenshots and nothing. If I give my enemy any vanilla "self" spell or destruction spells he uses them. I tried adding the spell to a vanilla actor and he wont use it D= ... so the problem is the spell. what could it be?


Update: I've noticed that enemies wont use spells such like Blizzard. Maybe it's hard coded in the game =/


I hope you can help me. Thanks

Edited by SerchBoogie
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Don't know much about creation kit but I would like to give you some advice:


How about you remove all spells/weapons included for that NPC and then add the custom spell only. That way that NPC (mage combat class) will be forced to use that custom spell.

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