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Nifskope Problems with Models


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I've been making all sorts of horrible abominations with Nifskope for some time now, some of which I've uploaded to the Nexus, the rest I am hoarding for myself out of shame for how bad they are. One abomination however refuses to even work right.


I'm using the following NPC model (C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout New Vegas\Data\meshes\creatures\sentrybot\sentrybotlasergatling.nif), trying to remove the entire right arm (each part up to the shoulder is a separate branch), and paste it over the following weapon (C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout New Vegas\Data\meshes\weapons\2handrifle\plasmarifle.nif), shrunk down so it makes some sense. My problem? I cannot copy the branches of the arm on the robot into the body of the Plasma Rifle because the following error pops up; "Failed to map parent link NiNode [sceneRoot".


Could someone help me fix this problem? I can turn full skeletons into melee weapons, but I can't break off a part of a robot and use it as a gun. Hell, if someone could do the conversion for me, that'd be cool too, but I still wanna figure out how to get around this problem. The branches of the Sentry Bot I want to use, if those matter for figuring out what to do, are as follows;


112 NiTriShape SBRightUpperArm [30]

103 NiTriShape SBRightGatlingLaser [27]

119 NiTriShape SBRightLaserTurret:0 [31]

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