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expand sanctuary and red rocket settlements(merge to 1 bigger settlement)


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sanctuary and red rocket are so close to eachother that it makes no sense to me that they are 2 different settlements


what i want is to expand the boundary of both settlements so they reach into eachother

maybe even expand it to vault 111

Edited by tawatabak
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checked it out

but doesnt seem to be what im looking for

besides i tested it and it didnt worked well at all sactuary and red rocket weren expanded at all while Outpost Zimonja expanded like limitless

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Until they fix the cell reset bug, and it is a bug in the game itself, there's no easy way to merge them.


So instead of say, Sanctuary and RedRocket, you want say a RedSactuaryRocket as just 1 settlement?


Would be doable, except for the bug. Not easily doable though.

There are quests for both locations, etc.


The bug really puts a stop on major changes to settlements for the moment.

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would be still cool if id ha 2 settlementspawnpoints so you gain more settlers sooner than usual settlements

but the buildblearea and the sandboxarea would need to overlap


i mean we have a settlement like spec. island why cant we have sanctuaryvaultredrockethills111 as a big settlement

would make sense to me

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