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Help with quick selling items


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I recently came back to oblivion for what I think is the fourth time now, and I have a small problem- quickly selling items.


I remember when playing oblivion before I could easily just click an item in the trade window to just buy/sell it instantly, and the only prompts would be for quantity. Now I already have the mod that removes the "how many?" window, but still I am stuck with clicking "yes" every single time I am selling an item and it's very annoying. I know its possible to do it because I've done it before, I just can't remember how

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If that doesn't help enough, try something in the lines of this:




to remove the need of selling everything 1 by 1 to improve mercantile.


Or if that sounds too complicated, you may be interested in just removing the annoying comments merchants make every other sale:




I personally removed the second since I got Smarter mercantile levelling, and even TQP is just for convenience now.

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