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Custom Challenge Scripts?

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I've been working on making a challenge perk, but the type of challenge I need isn't listed in the drop-down type menu. One option it does offer in that menu though is the 'scripted challenge'.


Its granted that I'll have to write a script for this, but the challenge window doesn't give me an option to choose a specific script, so I'm guessing the exact challenge in question will have to be specified in the script itself somehow.


How do I do that?


Also, do I need to use a challenge, or can I substitute/bypass it entirely with a script? I ask the second question because I notice the challenge still asks for threshold and interval values, and I don't know how I would make my script work with these or if it would mess up my script if I didn't write it properly.





Here is what I have so far.


scn CNMightyFistsChallenge

int pLevel

begin GameMode

set pLevel to player.GetLevel

if pLevel == 2
	;here is where I'm stuck, I don't know what to do with this after this point.

The intention of this script would be to reward a player with a perk when he reaches level two, and every level until level 30 (until his rank in that perk reaches 29).


Any help would be appreciated.

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You could use a challenge, but you don't need to. It's a lot simpler just with a quest script.



scn CNMightyFistsChallengeQScr

int pLevel
int rank

Begin GameMode
 if pLevel >= player.GetLevel

 ;so this runs only if pLevel is lower than the current player level 
 set pLevel to pLevel + 1

 if pLevel < 2
   ;not high enough yet.
 elseif pLevel > 30
   ;too high

 ;So this only runs once for each level from 2 to 30

 set rank to (player.HasPerk CNMightyFistsPerk)
 set rank to rank + 1
 if (rank < pLevel)
   player.addperk CNMightyFistsPerk
   showmessage CNMightyFistsMsg rank


Your Message (CNMightyFistsMsg) will contain something like...

"You have gained the Mighty Fists perk (Rank %.0f)"


Wow... a 29 level Perk. Those Fists sure will be Mighty.



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Okay I tried the script but when I reached level 2 in game it didn't give me the perk.


Here is how it appears I had to make one or two edits so it would work with the proper names.


scn CNMightyFistsChallenge

int pLevel 
int rank 

begin GameMode 

 if pLevel >= player.GetLevel 

 set pLevel to pLevel + 1

 if pLevel < 2 
 elseif pLevel > 30 

 set rank to (player.HasPerk CNMightyFists) 
 set rank to rank + 1

 if (rank < pLevel) 
   player.addperk CNMightyFists 
   showmessage CNMightyFistsMsg rank 




I also tried an alternate script, but it didn't woprk either (my first script so be gentle).




scn CNMightyFistsSCRIPT

int plevel
int rank

begin GameMode 

set plevel to player.GetLevel

if plevel == 2
	set rank to (player.HasPerk CNMightyFists)

if (rank < (plevel - 1))
	player.addperk CNMightyFists
	set rank to rank + 1
	showmessage CNMightyFistsMsg rank


Edited by BlakeDrapeta
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