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Melee creatures and NPCs won't attack, treat PC as invisible


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I am kinda scrubby when it comes to these sort of things, but out of the creatures and npcs I place in the vast space between the game borders and the actual borders of the game, only the npcs with ranged weapons will target the PC (things like gutsy bots will too, and fire geckos, but they seem to just wait for you to get in range) everything that uses a close combat weapon or claws, etc, seems to treat the PC as invisible until attacked.. And even then they just run around like they are fleeing from an invisible attacker.


All of these above effects do not happen to the creatures walking about normally in the vanilla mojave, just the ones in the spaces between the actual game edges.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I couldn't even get how to work the auto generator let alone doing it manually.. Such a scrub.. I'll keep at it but by the looks of things, navmeshing the entire span of the game borders and actual borders would be beyond me... I can't even see the regions that I want to navmesh. And all (or most) of the area names for the areas beyond the vanilla edges are just coordinates (21,27 etc).


Blegh, I'ma keep trying, but unless I can figure out how to make it autogen large areas at a time (there's at least another whole wasteland out there, so lots of regions at a time would be better) then I'm boned. :(


So much wasted space.. Its double the sandbox!

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1. I wouldn't even attempt to navmesh all of it

2. The reason for the big "outside" areas is so that LOD can be generated for the "inside" areas. If you go too far, there will be no more LOD, aka it will look like crap

3. if you insist on proceeding, you can rename the cells to whatever you want

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"1. I wouldn't even attempt to navmesh all of it"


Damn, I wish that had been the first response to my other similar post in mod ideas, sad face again.


Thanks anyway Q man, I can't wait for that Skunkwater Gulch release :D


At least there are still people making new areas. Dat makes me happy I guess.

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