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Black Hand?


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Okaay so, as I understand it, Ungolim was the Listener. Arquen, Lucien Lachance, J'Ghasta, and Alval Uvani were the Speakers. I believe I read somewhere that Shaleez was Arquen's Silencer. And of course, the PC was Lucien's (since his old one, Blanchard, was murdered by that jerkwad Bellamont).


So that must mean Halvestein Hoar-Blood, Belisarius Arius, Banus Alor, and Mathieu Bellamont were Silencers... but to which Speaker did each of them belong? Or was Hoar-Blood actually Ungolim's intended successor that Arquen mentioned? Could the Listener have had two Silencers? :ermm:


I'm particularly interested in knowing who was dumb enough to make that colossal donkey Bellamont their Silencer.

Edited by Lehcar
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Bellamont was J'Ghasta's Silencer.


Alval Uvani would never have stood for a Silencer from another race other than a Dunmer - Banus Alor.


Belisarius Arius was stuck somewhere on admin duties but got promoted to Speaker without being a Silencer.

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