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Possible Problem With Mod


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Basically i was cautiously installing a handfull of mods and i got to a certain point and I attempted to enter The Imperial City and everytime I tried Oblivion crashed to desktop. I have successfully entered other cities such as Leyawiin, skingrad and Bravil, but if I travel to a location within the Imperial City or attempt to enter through a door Oblivion crashes.


The Mods I currently have installed are as follows:





Wrye Bash

Alive Waters

Ambient Town Sounds


Realistic Leveling

Enhanced Water v20 HD

Rainbows In Tamriel

Diverse Grasses Landscape

Book Jackets Oblivion High Res

Unofficial Oblivion Patch

Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch

Unofficial DLC Patch

Cities Alive at Night


Any Help would be greatly appreciated as ive been experiencing problems with mods over the past couple of days.

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