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Nifskope Tutorials


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  Panzer_of_God said:
I look and I look and all I can find is a couple tutorials on texturing and such. Blender noob to pro was an amazing tutorial. Really in depth and helpful. Is there an all-in-one series of tutorials for Nifskope? How did you all learn what you know about it?


http://niftools.sourceforge.net/wiki/NifSkope That sites pretty good, but you've probably already been to it if not check it out. And Nifscope is mainly a "A graphical program that allows you to open NIF files, view their contents, edit them, and write them back out again." When I use Nifscope I only use it to see how well my meshes turned out with the textures on it. Its a lot easier doing that then starting oblivion and looking at it there. Are you having a problem with Nifscope or are you just curious of what it is?

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  andrewguy12 said:
Are you having a problem with Nifscope or are you just curious of what it is?


Neither. I use Nifskope for the same things as you, but recently I've been making a ridable deer. The tutorial I found was good, but I didn't understand a few things about it. I needed a tutorial to teach myself the terminology and functions and such. Thanks.

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