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Help: Changing voice for character


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I'm in need of some advice to "fix" a mod I downloaded and attempted to modify. I have a ton of mods installed however the ones I believe that are affected and relevant are the following:


- Chairon de Celeste's Mystic Night Elf

- Elf Female Younger Voice Replacement 1.0 (may not be relevant actually)

- Beautiful People


Here's the deal, initially I installed the Younger Voice because I didn't like how all the female elves sounded like old women; it worked great (Beautiful People was already installed at this point). Then only recently I installed the Mystic Night Elf mod. One of the first things I noticed was that the Female Night Elves use the Imperial voice for all the grunting, yelling, and "ouching". I started looking around to see if there was a fix for this and I ran across this one post (here) that said:

Well, you can find Ainmhi in it's own standalone plug-in, but generally the method I described you'd do with a mod such as Beautiful People, which combines Ren's and Ainmhi in one mod. You can get that here:




In order to open the plug-in in the construction set, you go to File->Data. Select the plug-in that includes Ainmhi (in this case, the Beautiful People one), double click it, then click Set as Active File, so that file will be the one modified when you save. Let the construction set load everything up (such as Oblivion.esm, for all the required bits I'm guessing).


When that is done, click on Character->Race. This will bring up a menu with all of the included races in it. Select RenMysticElfF, or RenMysticElfFtt01 (the Feminine Mystic Elves, makes more sense to move the Ainmhi voice to the feminine ones than to the masculine Mystic Elves).


On the bottom right hand corner of the race hand window on the General Data tab is a Female Voice pull-down, this allows you to change the generic voices of the race. Switch that from Redguard, to Ainmhi.


Then just click Data->Save, and walla! Your Feminine Mystic Elves now have the Ainmhi voice to shout out in when they have their innards gouged by a roaming, hungry, sewer rat. Or when they decide said sewer rat would make a good whetstone to sharpen their blade on. Either or. Enjoy!

I figured I'd try this for my problem. I started up TESCS, enabled Oblivion.esm, Beautiful People.esp and the ESP for the Mystic Night Elves (Exnem1 Moonwell and Mystic Night Elf.esp) which I made active. I went to Character/Race, found the entry for the Night Elves, changed it (initially to Ainmhi, then to High Elf, then back to Imperial after testing it) and what I found is that after I made the initial change to Ainmhi, it completely disabled all voice for my character. Even after gong into TESCS and resetting it to Imperial, I still don't get any voice.


I thought I'd try resetting it by copying an unmodified "Exnem1 Moonwell and Mystic Night Elf.esp" over the one in the DATA directory, but my character still doesn't have a voice.


I'm hoping someone has an idea of (1) how I can at least get the voice back and (2) ideally, how can I change the voice to something less old and ugly sounding?


Any help would be totally, completely, awesome!

Thanks guys!



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