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timelline michael crichiton


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ARGH!! It sucked. The book was not his best, it had somewhat of a week storyline and the movie felt like a made for TV flick. However the battle scene at the end was awesome. That was its only redeeming factor. Most of the actors sucked, except for the evil king, who was great :D. Concerning the relevence to the book...hmm yeah it followed it pretty closely.
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I was geniunly interested by the trailer that suddenly appeared on my TV screen between episodes of the Simpsons; i've liked other Critchon (how do you spell the guy's name?) books, but i havent read this one. I waited for my film review show to come on, waiting for the lisping Jonathan Ross to say his piece. Low and behold, he blew it away, saying that
I urge you, with every fibre of my body down to the sub-atomic level, do not see this film
. So, i'm not going to bother. To bad its another Billy Connolly (funniest man who has ever lived :D ) film down the tubes. Hope The Last Samuria(sp?) is better.
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Foywonder reviewed it. Be prepared when you read it. It's got spoilers and stuff, but the spoilers are hilarious. A basic rule for Foy: If he sees it and writes a review on it, it's horrid.

Here's the link.





Oh, and The Last Samurai is a 4 1/2 star movie. It's awesome. It isn't disappointing at all. There's this one scene where it looks like things are going to be dull. I was like, "This scene is going to suck. It's dull. Nothing's going to happen. It's just there to make the charact - HOLY CRAP!! NINJAS!!!"


It was awesome. And by awesome I mean totally sweet.

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I assume then that its come out in your part of the world then, DreamOfTheRood.


I'll take your word for it that the review is funny; my college filter is being stupid and not letting me through. Ah well, look at it on Saturday (broadband access :D )

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