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Trouble with FCOM OBMM installation.


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Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well.


My brother reinstalled oblivion a few days ago and since then I've been trying to install FCOM by the Oblivion Mod Manager method, so far it looks like I've managed to create OMODs for all the essential mods but creating an OMOD for Fran's 4.5b isn't cooperating. I've been referring to the following two guides (as far as I know they are updated):






I don't know how to make actual links so please excuse me but the point is the instructions for creating an OMOD for Fran's 4.5b are identical save for a few steps the following is from the first link:




Remember, you can always add an OMOD script to give you the option of removing options; therefore, when in doubt, add the option.


1. Create a temporary folder somewhere


2. Windows 7 and Windows Vista users, right-click on FrancescosLeveledCreaturesItemsMod.exe and choose Run as administrator. XP users can just double-click the file.

* Warning!!! Any option not mentioned below should not be used

* Change the install directory to the temp folder you just created.

* (Optional) Fran for Shivering Isles.

o SI users do not have to use this module. It is entirely optional.

o This plugin may or may not have conflicts with MMM's SI module, but they are unlikely to be game-breaking conflicts, if they exist.

* (Recommended) Choose Lyrondor's Combat Behavior.

* (Recommended) Choose MOBS.>

o Ensures Fran's new weapons get MOBS stats.

o This is the only exception to FCOM's usage of OMOBS balancing.

* (Recommended) Choose hardcore loot.

* (Not Recommended) Living Economy

o Enhanced Economy (requires OBSE) is the recommended alternative.

o Do NOT use this with other versions of LE. This is a special version tweaked for Fran.

o OOO 1.33 also bundles LE, but it is the regular v3.63 version.

o The latest version of LE can be downloaded from the LE Nexus page.

* Optional Components List...It might be helpfult to uncheck everything before checking anything...

o (Recommended if you chose Fran SI) Optional Chance of More Enemies

o (Recommended if you chose Fran SI) Optional Leveled Guards

o Make Sure the Francesco's New Items Add-on is checked

o Make SURE the Francesco's New Creatures Add-on is NOT checked

o (Recommended) Hardcore Loot

o (Recommended) Lyondor's Combat Behavior

o (Required) Optional Items Add-on

o (Required) Optional Chance of Stronger Bosses

o (Required) Optional Chance of Stronger Enemies

o Make sure all other options are unchecked.

* Make sure you choose separate files. (You can double-check when the planned install summary is presented at the end.)

* (Not Recommended) respawn time, timescale modifications

o Choose the defaults (3 days and 30, respectively) because both of these modifications are replaced by Bashed Patch tweaks (Wrye Bash 2.81+), which also saves plugin slots.

o Timescale can also be adjusted in game with COBL.

o Another timescale alternative is TheNiceOne's Automatic Timescale, which offers dynamic timescaling.

* (Not Recommended) skill rate progression modification

o Choosing the default option is recommended in expectation of using another mod to control skill progression.

o Progress, by Tejon, gives the user the most control over skill rate progression, and for those who don't want to make many changes, the default INI settings are already set to work well for OOO and FCOM setups.

o You must choose default if using Oblivion XP, as it is not compatible with skill progression modifiers.


3. Extract the optimized New Items BSA to the temporary folder, and rename the BSA to "FCOM_Convergence_FraNewItems.bsa". (To learn more about how plugin-association loading works see Oblivion:BSAs and Archive Invalidation.)}}


4. Move the temporary folder for Fran to some other location (so that the uninstaller does not remove the files).


5. Uninstall both parts of Frans mod by running the uninstall executables.


6. Create an OMOD using Add folder to add the temporary folder containing the Fran files


7. Delete the empty Fran folder you created.


Whenever I come to the optional components list both these set of instructions and the set from the second link ask for the "Hard Core Loot," "Lyndor's combat behavior," and "Optional Items Add-on." However none of these show up in the optional components list for me to check their respective boxes, so I'm wondering is this a bug? Also whenever I unchecked all of the optional components off and then checked what required components WERE there, near the end of the installation I was not asked if I wanted to keep the files separate. When I simply unchecked "Francesco's New Creatures Add-on" and proceeded then the option to keep the files separate appeared.


However no matter what I do whenever I create the OMOD and activate it, as soon as I activate the FCOM convergence OMOD (provided by theNiceOne) it always says "Fran's not detected". And the files from Fran's 4.5b like the esp and esm files don't even appear on the data list. I've been at this for over two days straight and I'm stumped can someone please help me?

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