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SDK not starting when something in Mods folder


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I have started my creation of my custom class but have run into some sort of problem.. if the mod is in the \Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2 SDK\XComGame\Mods folder the SDK refuses to start, but if i empty the folder for everything it starts just fine... i did not have this problem with my voicepacks or with the PredatorOutfits mod.. is this because of a problem with the class mod i am trying to make or?

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Mod buddy starts fine, but it's the content editor that won't start.. I get the splash screen for it, and it starts loading the resources, but halfway through it just stops and closes..

This happens every times after I have made a build of the class I am working on.


Only way to fix it (that I've found) is to delete the class folder from the SDK mods folder.

The folder can be in modbuddy folder no problem, and I can edit and debug it no problem.. It's just if it's in the SDK mod folder the content editor won't start


Hope this was clear enough and not just rambling :)

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Thanks, it is clear now. I have had the same problem, it seems that it is trying to open my upk without even being asked, and then hanging while doing so. I don't know why it tries to open the upk. If I delete the mod directory like you did, then it opens, and I can open my upk fine. So idk what is really happening, but you and I get the same problem.

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We don't know what is happening. I watched the status text flicking by in the lower left corner of the splash screen when it is loading, and the last thing it says before hanging is that it's opening my mod upk. It has no reason to be doing that during startup. I have to agree it *shouldn't* have any impact.

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