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Reenabling regular Saving and Quicksaving in Survial-Mode


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So I wanted to reenable the normal save and quicksave functionality in survival-mode.

I fired up the CK and started digging through the gamefiles


The first thing I learned was that in the gamefiles survival-mode was called hardcore-mode and used the prefix „hc_“

And under that prefix I found some interresting stuff and an entry called „HC_Rules“ which enables pretty much all the survial-mode stuff,

like no fast travel, the adrenalin perk, hunger, etc – all except the the thing that I was looking for.

Under the whole „HC_“ perfix I found nothing that disables regular saving.


So I abandoned the perfix and look for hours but I found also nothing.


I have absolutly no idea where and how regular saving ist turn off in survival-mode.


Am I blind? Does anybody know WHERE it is disabled or can point me in the right dirction?


Help would be appreciated.


(I really don't want to rely on dodgy script workarounds, because I'm bad at scripting)

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Hey thanks for that info, I never look through the mainmenu.swf itself, just went through the scripts and Gamesettings to find something.


So menu-saving can actually be controlled in the mainmenu.swf good to know.

But still no way to restore the quicksave/load-funktion.

I beginning to get the bad feeling that it is somehow like the other key-press stuff hidden and can't be altered with the CK.


So the only way it seems is to wait for the script extender and make something like proposed here:http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12593/?


I learned a lot about the mess thats survival mode but I think I'm out of my league here.

But if anybody got a solution let me know, I realy want to play a fixed survival mode

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