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Will Deus Ex: Human Revolution be worth getting?


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Check out all the video comentary and previews that it has been getting and you will realise why it's worth getting. It is the only chalenger to Skyrim at this point.


If your considering just pc games, then this is probably accurate, but I largely disagree if you also include console and handheld games into that.


I don't think I'll find as much enjoyment in this one as much as I did in the first one, I tend to dislike most games that use a regenerating health system, and think its just done to make the whole game easier for new comers. Hopefully they'll include the option to disable it.


I also am not fond of the fact that Warren Specter doesn't take part in this. Not sure if that"ll make a huge difference in the game overall, but his absence from the game might be noticeable.


Plus the games technically a prequel, not a sequel.

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:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: EBgames just called in and my Deus EX Human revolution Collectors edition should be in Tomorrow, Cant wait.


Ohhh :unsure: Sounds overpowering :biggrin:


Automatic Unlocking Device Using modified microwave pulse technology, the Keybreaker Security Countermeasure unit can neutralize 98% of conventional electronic and digital locking systems

Edited by Thor.
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It's totally worth it. I pre-ordered it last minute on Steam cause I was bit iffy about it being developed by Square-Enix (I don't particuly care for them), but I was pleseantly surprised with a nice, smooth, sleek, and unique gaming experince. There's some things design wise I don't like (like the over-use of material shaders on some NPC's in a

bad attempt to make bland textures look better), but overall, I love the art design, and it's a very fun game. Oh, and unlike Bioware's conversation wheel, Jenson actually says what it says on the in-game conversation system. :P

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Unfortunately, living in Europe means I'm going to have to wait a little longer. At least I managed to pre-order the Augmented edition dirt cheap.



And hell yes it's going to be worth getting.

Edited by Povuholo
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If you pre purchased on steam in the UK and maybe Euro, if you use a US proxy the game will unlock early, so region lock is not present :D


ps fun game: feels very deus ex, just wih there was more then one quick save, keep going back to redo parts :P

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