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Help how to make Respawn clutter in contaners.....


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Dam.. I thought that was the problem.

Well then dose any one know what the problem is?

Am I missing any thing do i need to check something for the chest to apperar?

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One question. Did you ever re qork on this mod and or another mod, adding the chest?


If so you might have forgotten to set the file you were working on as an active file otherwise some stuff will get erased.


Go into the CS and work on the mod again setting it to activet his time and check if the chest is there in the mod.

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This is a mod i made (well it is not really a mod more of a test to see if i can use the CS) and i actived file too so well Right now i am going to try out the mod again.

And see if it works

Edit: well it did not work.

Now what? :unsure:

Ok should I test this mod or what? And how do i test the mod any way?

Edit:well I found out why it didnt work when i copied the cell i forgot to put in telport or the door but now it works :smile:

Sorry to bring this topic back up :sweat:

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