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Black eyes on certain NPCs.


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The only mod I have currently installed (that could have caused this) is Cobl.

Before that, I only had the FCOM components installed, and working.


I'm also using QTP3 Redemized, but to my knowledge, that only replaces world textures, and not character textures.

Don't quote me on this, as I'm not even entirely sure about that, which is why I mentioned it; It's the only other texture replacer I'm using.


I tried running the archive invalidation on OBMM. That didn't seem to do anything.

I used BOSS to update the load order. That too, did nothing.


Only a very small number of NPCs seem to be "infected" with the black eyes virus, but I'd still much rather play the game/mods as they were intended. ;)

Thanks in advance.


ALSO: I noticed in the bloodworks that the dark elf NPC that practices on the punching bag has redish eyes, but that could be normal. I'm not sure.

Edited by ENDZYM3
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Okay, I fixed the black eyes. Had to google (specifically) Cobl black eyes.


For anyone else in the future who runs into a similar problem, try downloading the "Cobl Cosmetics" file from this link.

It's required if. like me, you are using the Cobl Races.esp


When I first downloaded Cobl, I think at PES, I didn't see that file anywhere.

TESNexus seems to be more up to date.

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