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what can i remove from my load list

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any suggestions about what i no longer need, the obvious one is simpleneeds as i think FWE does that now but what about the rest? also anything suggestions about the load order? i had to put rh_ironsights_* at the bottom as at random, different guns wouldnt iron sight properly if it wasn't!


i prefixed the loaded mod names with _ and zz so i could just activate them in order and be done with it then use a BOSS auto sort to take care of the rest.




edit: also should i be using this: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15578 instead of the standard ironsights? a few of the comments are saying its unstable and i am having no issues with the regular rh_ironsights at all.


edit2: i'm unable to have EVE loaded even with the FOIP bridge loaded, it loads up the game but my mouse/keyboard don't respond and i need to CTRL+ALT+DEL to abort the game, so i can't even get to the main menu!

Edited by lanceuppercut47
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