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please bring back pre 1.5 survival difficulty


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dear modders,


can anyone from you please bring back the old survival difficulty like it was before patch 1.5 ?


I do really not enjoy the new survival mode and think this is a very bad decision and move from Bethesda to replace the old survival difficulty completely !


playing on very hard is not really fun, this auto fast healing bothers me way too much and there is also significant less loot and legendary enemies


I really enjoyed the old survival difficulty and do really hope some of you genius modders will take a heart and bring back old survival


kind regards

D. Nguyen


sorry my english, this is not my native language

Edited by maquez64
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I would also sign onto this idea, and I'm sure it would be very popular.


Until someone takes up the challenge, I was able to find a rather good method of getting 90+% to "fixing" very hard mode to work like old survival mode, and with just one mod: Rebalancer.


I used the long chem module to fix stimpacks and radaway. Used 3x legendary module, buffed npc health an extra 10 per level, and reduced healing from food by 50%. Have been playing with it today and it feels very good.



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