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FCOM Troubles


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Hello all. I've got a bit of a problem. I spent about 3 days setting up FCOM and all of the required mods. I finally got it working and played for a few hours. Well, I came home from work and discovered that my four year old had tried to help me out by "putting a checkmark in all of the boxes" on wrye bash. Just trying to be helpful...So, I went through the load order list and unchecked everything that was unneeded. Now, I try to run and I get the following error on the initial load of the game: "Unable to find master file: Francesco's leveled creatures-items mod.esm." It is on the list in Wrye Bash and in the proper load order. I even reinstalled all of the mods to make sure everything was OK. Still get the same error. The only other mods on top of FCOM that I am running are Bag of Holding and Smarter Mercantile Leveling. Help! I NEED to play Oblivion! Thanks in advance!
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