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Your surprising experiences


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Hi All,


I've just started playing FO3 GOTY edition. Really enjoying it. So far I've had some surprising experiences which have made me jump, smile and think "wow that's weird". Sorry if any spoilers may be mentioned, I've tried to remove them though keep my stories accurate. I'm playing "very hard" mode.


The first I'll share with you is about Deathclaws. I'll only seen two so far. I've stopped playing the main quest and just rambling around the waste land. My first Deathclaw was half dead, so a missile finished it off. I was in front of Alexandria Arms Hotel. The second was a big surprise, I'd found the MDPL-13 power station. I went into the small sub station office just behind it, I looked right and then left, and holy sh*t a massive Deathclaw in the friggin room with me, just standing there and facing away from me...it actually made me jump...So knelt and sneaked, got to the side of it, then once in front of it it saw me and all hell broke loose.

I was almost dead before I got out of the building, once outside the thing followed me out. A couple of close Bottlecap mines and it was dead, I was crippled and almost dead. Very thrilling.


I went back to Vault 101, went up on to the half collapsed motorway over pass. A few bandits, no problem. Then two pop out the back of a truck both armed with Chinese officer's sword, I had one, so a sword fight occurred! Pretty cool how they block as well, rush in and out, and circle. Killed them, picked up their swords and repaired mine to 100%. That made me smile.


Finally, I found Grayditch, was sorting out the Fire Ants and exploring the Marigold Station tunnels. I opened one door and this guy appears right in front of me, I don't know what happened, he was kind of floating and took up my whole screen, all I saw was white so I just fired one reactionary shot with my combat shot gun, I'd practically jumped out of my seat. Well he's important to that part of the game, he ran off and I couldn't find him...


Share your experiences!

Edited by JingoJackson
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OK, on the grand scale of FO3 weirdness, this isn't a biggie, but it did get a o_O "Huh????" response from me.


One of my favourite FO3 activities is 'taking out the trash' in places like Paradise Falls. Usually, I'll conduct all business I need to beforehand (buy Clover, help the Lamplight kids, etc.). Then, wait until late PM / very early AM, slip on the Stealth suit, ready some silenced weapons, sneak in and start assassinating bad guys. Loads of fun.


This time, thought I would start with Eulogy Jones and work down from there. Trouble was, I couldn't find him (or Silver). They weren't in Jones's pad (very late, as I said) or wandering around outside. Having looked everywhere else and killed everybody else that I wanted to, decided to look in on the Clinic.


Wasn't planning to kill the Doctor since she doesn't fight so, hey, letting her live seems reasonable to me. Those of you who have checked out the PF Clinic will know that the Doctor's sleepspace is a mattress in what is basically a walk-in closet/storeroom at the back. So, I go inside and the radar shows that the Doc has company ....


Yep, you probably guessed by now. Eulogy Jones and Silver were out back, with the Doctor. Both came charging out at once and I didn't get to check things out further, but it was definitely a "Huh???" moment for me.


Still trying to figure it out. OK, Eulogy was PF's boss, so wherever he chose to party and how, and with whom, was up to him. But he had a perfectly adequate pad right next door, so ... I gotta wonder - did the smell of disinfectant or de-lousing powder really "work" for him or what?

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  • 1 year later...

Wasn't planning to kill the Doctor since she doesn't fight so, hey, letting her live seems reasonable to me. Those of you who have checked out the PF Clinic will know that the Doctor's sleepspace is a mattress in what is basically a walk-in closet/storeroom at the back. So, I go inside and the radar shows that the Doc has company ....


Yep, you probably guessed by now. Eulogy Jones and Silver were out back, with the Doctor. Both came charging out at once and I didn't get to check things out further, but it was definitely a "Huh???" moment for me.

Pretty wierd! So since Eulogy and the doc were hostile, was Pronto also hostile after that?

One of the minor reasons I like to stay on good terms with Paradise Falls is that they are the closest clinic in the middle of nowhere. Very useful for my LW who always seems to get addicted to jet and beer...

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Wasn't planning to kill the Doctor since she doesn't fight so, hey, letting her live seems reasonable to me. Those of you who have checked out the PF Clinic will know that the Doctor's sleepspace is a mattress in what is basically a walk-in closet/storeroom at the back. So, I go inside and the radar shows that the Doc has company ....


Yep, you probably guessed by now. Eulogy Jones and Silver were out back, with the Doctor. Both came charging out at once and I didn't get to check things out further, but it was definitely a "Huh???" moment for me.

Pretty wierd! So since Eulogy and the doc were hostile, was Pronto also hostile after that?

One of the minor reasons I like to stay on good terms with Paradise Falls is that they are the closest clinic in the middle of nowhere. Very useful for my LW who always seems to get addicted to jet and beer...


Nah, pretty sure I had killed Pronto by then.


Keeping certain people alive at places like Paradise Falls or Evergreen Mills is usually not a big deal for me - I keep clear of addictions, load up on ####loads of Stimpacks before I go walkabout, and there are always the Caravans and places like Tenpenny Tower. Works well enough for how I play, anyhow.

Edited by 7thsealord
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Nah, pretty sure I had killed Pronto by then.


Keeping certain people alive at places like Paradise Falls or Evergreen Mills is usually not a big deal for me - I keep clear of addictions, load up on ####loads of Stimpacks before I go walkabout, and there are always the Caravans and places like Tenpenny Tower. Works well enough for how I play, anyhow.


Aw, poor Pronto :sweat: He seems like such a nice jerk.


Loads of stims are always nice. I love playing on 'very hard' difficulty w/ FWE & MMM and can't seem to hold on to stims for more than a day at best. I'm lucky to have more than 10 on me at any one time.

I'm surprised you don't use jet! I love the edge it gives after I've just used all all AP and don't have time for them to recharge. Then again it's probably just because I like watching the fight scenes in VATS versus the standard ole FPS way of doing it. Kills in VATS never seem to get old for me... so anything that increases my AP, I do.

And I'm a scavenger/hoarder that empties every box, desk, toolbox, gore bag, vending machine, medkit, and locker and holds onto that crap to either sell or use as Rock-it Launcher ammo. So beer & buffout are always on hand :thumbsup:


Wandering the wasteland near Deathclaw Sactuary and had another flyer... this Deathclaw comes out running across a hill towards us so I go into VATS and after the 1st shot ZOOM! Off into the air it (the Deathclaw) shoots. The next shot in VATS shows the LW shooting a Nuka-Cola Truck into the sky (I use the Rock-it Launcher quite extensively). There's no hit of course cause that frickkin Deathclaw is completely out of view by this time. VATS ends and there's Charon and Jericho running around in circles with their shotguns pointed into the air. I look into the air and nothing up there except clouds. I'm thinking What the heck is it that makes some Deathclaws do that???

So I walk away and 10 seconds later turn around and see those two jokers still running in circles aiming at the sky. I open up the Command Headset and give the "Follow Me" command and they immediately put their guns away and walk up to me like nothing ever happened.


Just another drug addled day in the wasteland...

Edited by DavidYokosukaJapan
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Well as for moments that make me jump, since its 1st person view, anytime an enemy just appears behind/next to me quickly makes me jump, especially ghouls since they are fast they usually can surprise me much of the time and make me jump "ARHHHHHAAAAAA"


But my best experience was in the city one fight, was the PERFECT fallout 3 firefight experience.


I was roaming the city streets, in one of the city areas i dont remember where, there are tons of cars, bus's, buildings around, and i run into a group of supermutants. So i start blasting, dodging, etc. Now the Enclave flyer swoops in, and Enclave troopers join the battle, Mayhem is ensuing. Bus's and cars are exploding, im trying to keep my head down behing some barracades and kill whats near me, explosions are going off. Mutants are fighting me, Enclave are fighting me, Enclave are fighting Mutants, its bedlam. And as its winding down some, MORE supermutants appear down the road and join the fight, its like 5 minutes of pure chaos but sooooooo much fun. I'm chugging stims like crazy, not even the time for VATS anymore just blasting with my assault rifle at everything that moves. When its all over, dozens of bodies are around, my heart is beating like crazy, low health, tons of burning everything around me.


I look around no more enemies on the radar, and go "Now THATS what the game should be!"

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  • 4 weeks later...

One of my most surprising moments was when I found Doc Hoff's trade caravan in the silt pump pipes under the Jefferson Memorial. He seemed stuck there until I went past him and he followed me out. I killed all of the enclave in the Jefferson Memorial so they couldn't molest him and left him at the exit to the wasteland while I departed through the Taft Tunnels.


Before this I had noticed the trade caravans were not moving in their usual pattern and thought one of them had been killed. After I found him and he followed me out, the caravans resumed their normal route rotation. I have no idea how he ended up in the silt pump pipes but I am glad that he could follow me out.

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Wasteland Traveler's mod is the bomb!


One time I was fighting the Evergreen Mills Behemoth and our tussle got up to Jury Street. My LW has a guass which wasn't doing much to the mutie cept knocking it down. Didn't need more: these traveler packs seeing this jolly green giant falling down like it was icy stairs cam running for miles around and the all started to knife and shoot the beast. There were like 30 of them and they kept coming, just cause they wanted supermutant get even. Then after we beat this thing to death like lilliputians on PCP, they just turned around and went on like it was nothin. Humanity f*** yeah.


Another time, I come up by the irradiated metro and there's a dozen Traveler's with 10m, hunting rifles and some

knives, and they are WAILING on street level muties. Then because it's 2 in the morning and and it's DC, they storm into the access tunnels commando style to shank the a**hole in the skybridge. And we iced him but good and the fool in the stairwell was so busy getting knifed he couldn't use his minigun.


And it gets BETTER! when we came out, three muties are waiting in the Grisham building shell. The traders take cover while a merc coming from the south cover fires with a minigun! I take the cover to storm the ruins and off three of them in close quarters with the prewar 'alloy' R91 you get after anchorage with FWE.


Damn it feels good to be a human.

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