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Vampire actor copy glitch


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I made some changes to my vamp eyes in CS, and I want to examine them close up ingame. So, my character is a vampire, but vanity camera does not let me get a good enough look at his face and the lighting in the journal menu is totally unlike the actual lighting in the game. I try to use the "createfullactorcopy" console command to make a clone of myself, so I can talk to it and get a good look at the his vamp eyes.


But then as soon as I exit the console window, my clone immediately falls backwards as if dead.


But see this picture - he isn't really dead, he fell to the ground but his body doesn't go limp like a truly dead actor would. He'll still talk to me in ambient dialogue, as you can see. But if I try to interact with him, instead his inventory pops up, to loot him as if he were dead. I can't engage him in conversation, and I can't get him to stand up, I tried using resurrect but as soon as I do, he just keels over the same way again.


Please help? :(



Edited by Lehcar
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