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New guy needing help


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Hi all,


Despite having an account here with the Nexus I haven't actually done much with modding until recently. I have gotten OBMM and OBSE. I only have a few mods right now but when testing them out some things werent working. The mods I got are Obscuro's Oblivion Overhaul, Let There Be Darkness, Basic Primary Needs, and and DarNified UI. Let There Be Darkness does not seem to work (I know this becuase I had installed it on its own before I got the other mods and it worked fine). After doing some reading I discovered that this could be due to load order or incompatibility. I have no way of telling though and so I have turned to the ever knowledgeable community. My mod load order as it is listed in OBMM without having been changed is listed below.














Let There Be Darkness - Cyrodil + SI.esp

Let There Be Darkness - Knights.esp

Let There Be Darkness - Mehrunes Razor.esp


Basic Primary Needs.esp


Harvest [Flora].esp

Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.esp

Harvest [Floar] - DLCVileLair.esp

Harvest [Flora] - DLC Frostcrag.esp

Living Economy.esp

Living Economy - Items.esp

Cutthroat Merchants.esp


Thanks in advance for any help.

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I would get the following programs/downloads:


Unofficial Official Oblivion Patches

Wrye Bash

BOSS (better Oblivion sorting software


You also need to read the readme's of each mod. Some stuff isn't compatible with OOO. Your list is very small. It shouldn't be too difficult to figure this out.


One of the golden rules is to install one mod at a time, play for a bit, and then install another. If you have a mod (Let There Be Darkness) that don't work when you start other mods, you need to find which one is the culprit. Oblivion mod manager is another utility that will help you find the errors. It has a checker feature that will show you all the serious problems (highlighted in red).


These are the simplest tools to use as a beginner. Please don't be discouraged. Wrye Bash is, in my opinion, the best mod manager out there. Oblivion Mod Manager has its place, but it only offers a few tools that Wrye Bash doesn't (like the BAIN conversion). Boss will tell you which mods don't work, and it will sort your load list for you, automatically. This is the easiest way to find your conflict and start playing.


You should start with one mod at a time and add them singly. Otherwise you will end up in the boat you are in now. Most house mods and armor mods won't conflict with each other, but if you have elements or scripts that are shared by mods that shouldn't you will end up with bad things.


There are some good tutorials around here, look up the tuts on the pinned topics of each board. This will give you a better idea of what is going on. There is a reason stuff gets pinned.


Hope this helps,


Edited by theuseless
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