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Whiterun drawbridge creation kit help


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so I've messing with the creation kit recently and while im still a really noob i've learnt how to set up trigger boxes, linking references and all that stuff but i havent managed to get the witherun drawbridge working. If someone could help me set it up from the base... I mean i know how to put the model in the scene, the trigger box and link it but i get really lost when i try to set up the scripts.


I want it to be like the one in castle gonduin or in the heljarchen or however its spelled fortified mod.


Ive found this topic in the forum but i dont know how to get it working, im asking the same thing as the last guy asked.



Please help me. Thanks

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So, great help guys, you are awesome, this is irony if you cant catch it


so i've been digging and got a fully working drawbridge using the script included in castle gonduin mod. Kudos to him


Just used the script with a trigger box and the activator version of the witherun drawbridge and booom done.


Thanks myself i can go to bed now, for those who want the script, maybe someone is interested:

Scriptname CastleGonduin_DarwbridgeScript extends ObjectReference  

import utility

Keyword Property LinkCustom01 Auto
ObjectReference Property Drawbridge Auto Hidden

EVENT OnLoad()
	Drawbridge = GetLinkedRef()
	Drawbridge.PlayGamebryoAnimation("Forward", true)

State ReadyForOpen
	Event onActivate(ObjectReference TriggerRef)
		Drawbridge.PlayGamebryoAnimation("Backward", true)

State ReadyForClose
	Event onActivate(ObjectReference TriggerRef)
		Drawbridge.PlayGamebryoAnimation("Forward", true)

State Busy
	;Empty State

just call the new script CastleGonduin_DarwbridgeScript that typo though!!!

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so lets see if you can help me this time, i think its an easy one however i couldnt find anything on the wiki, i havent digged enough yet hehe


So when you have multiple objects selected in the render window, how do you rotate them softly? i mean when you have 1 object you can double click and you get the reference window and under 3d you can select with up and down arrows how many points you want to rotate the object...well how can i do the same with a multiple object selection. Dont talk about the gizmo, i already know that with w

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