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survival fix, and improvements


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(i am sry about the spelling its not something im best at)


Can someone make a mod that makes it feel more like survival then how beth has done it.

(have a option to have console on and fast travel and save anytime (at lest improve this option to be able to sleep, save in a chair or couch and same dos with fast travel when you in a settlement. (or when u find a bed (spot to sleep). like one game i played. all beds let you sleep anytime. irl i camp and i can sleep threw the night. your able to and so is the settlement you are at can be attacked. ) when you use something to get rid of parasite it takes times, and same with stimpacks u cant heal broken bones with it... it would take time. (or add a forced option to be force to make a stint or something.) and your more able to get wounded and agility is taken a hit and so is carry weight and strength. and (dont know if it be fun BUT) have a real energy bar. (not the same as AP) its more like more run jump melee ect faster it runs out and faster you get hungry and thrust.


and i really would love to have some info about how the player is doing in stat wise like you could in NV (threw a mod)


I played real survival games before and im already getting pissed at how badly they made this. (how some things dont make sense and how random alot of other things is and theres not HOT or cold system.. i think u hit the same as the AI can and same damage. tho one thing i would like and they keep leveling with to to a point they can max out there gear level (ie areas around vault 101 al the raiders have stronger better armor and or more of them spawn. i find the crabs painful. xD

have some ay to get to the inland like a boat or something to get there for ppl that think swimming all that way makes more sence. (the boat is like a fast travle. )

make legendary spawn more often or ALOT.. (i know theirs a mod for this im trying to get everything into one ESP to cut down my maxed load.


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