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Script to toggle Pipboy Light?

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Does anyone know how to toggle the pipboy light on and off with a script?


I'm trying to fix a bug in one of my mods.



It's a mod that adds tacticle flashlight mods to the game to be added to your weapon. It mostly works, but there are some bugs. The main one is putting away your weapon causes the light to point away from center strangely, though that makes some sense since you put put your flashlight in your pocket essentially. The second is that there are multipile colors that the flashlights can be, and switching to differant weapons with differant color flashlights causes them to keep the color of the gun light from the previues gun, until you turn it off and on again.


This video does a great job showing what I'm talking about, a spotlight video that pointed out the bug.



These are likely all engine related quirks with basicly applying a headlamp to a gun. In fact, looking the files there are gunlamp models Bethesda never used (and they're ugly stretched out power armor lamps, must not have gotten far in development).



Anyway, the only solution to this problem that I can think of is a script applied to the gun (when you add the weapon mod) that turns off the flashlight when you holster your weapon or swap weapons. I'm not sure how to do that, I think the best way to check for those conditions is to check for playing animations, but besides that I don't know if you even can toggle your flashlight (pipboy or otherwise) with a script, anyone know a trick for this?

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