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Random NPCs are using my mod NPCs greetings


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Okay, making a mod (1st) and I have an NPC who initiates a quest. So say, I choose to talk to Veronica and out of her mouth comes my mod NPCs dialogue. It's not his 1st time greeting but the greeting he uses after you've accepted the quest but before you've done what he asked. I have the condition set "GetIsID NPC: 'mynpc' == 1.00 AND"


I don't quite understand why other people would be using dialogue that is set to be used only by him. (and have no idea how to fix it)


If anyone can help please, I need it.

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In your custom dialog, find the conditions section and add a condition where GetIsID "YourNPC" == 1 and that will enable your random dialog to only be used by YourNPC. A good set of dialogues to look at are the Topics in quest VNPCFollowers because it deals with all the companions and you can see exactly how the dialogues are selected by GetIsID. You don't need to go any farther than the topic FollowersAcknowledge to see how its done. Edited by drakeelvin
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