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Help modding Radios and AI


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I am endeavoring to create a mod which allows the player to turn on a radio, alerting NPCs, and causing them to move towards it to investigate.


I have looked through the CK, but I am quite new to modding bethesda games beyond changing NPC looks. I had tried to look into how one might use the built in detection system, perhaps causing the radio to make a noise similar to how they detect gun shots. This would at least accomplish alerting the NPCs.


I have tried investigating into similar things in skyrim, since fallout 4 CK is so new. But, have had little luck yet. If anyone has any information that might help me get started, I would be very appreciative.


As far as I am aware, this functionality is not already present in the game or any mod, but please let me know if I am wrong.

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So would this radio be in the players inventory or would it be an object in the worldspace? If its in the worldspace just make an AI package that forces the AI to walk to the same location as the radio. If the radio is in the players inventory, the theory would still be the same (set the AI package target location to the Player instead of a worldspace object) but you would need to add some way to initiate the AI package from the usage of the item while it's in the player's inventory, like through a script.

Edited by ShinraStrife
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This would preferably with the radios already in the game world.


For instance, you come across a radio sitting in a random place in some building, raiders are not yet aware of you yet. Turn on the radio, raiders come investigate.


I will look into making AI packages, thanks.

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Check out the script that the radio uses to play it's music when you activate it, then check out the alarm Bell script for settlements and combine the two.
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Some scripting will do it, maybe you can also use a hidden quest to handle things.Probably several ways to accomplish what you need, all of which involve scripting and AI packages. I would start with learning Papyrus if you haven't already
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I would start with learning Papyrus if you haven't already

Words of wisdom.

Edited by ShinraStrife
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