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Oblivion Construction set will not install


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I have been trying to install the Construction Set for quite some time now, and it simply will not install. Installshield seems to encounter a fatal error every time I try!


"An error (-5006: 0x8000ffff) has occurred while running the setup

Please make sure you have finished any previous setup and closed other applications (I have done so).

If the error still occurs, please contact your vendor: Bethesda Softworks (I have, and they just told me that they don't support the construction set)



I open up "Detail" and this is what I find:


Error Code: -5006 : 0x8000ffff

Error Information:

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (109)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (87)

>Kernel\ObjectHolder.cpp (442)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (109)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (87)

>Kernel\FileGroup.cpp (520)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (109)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (87)

>Kernel\FileGroup.cpp (520)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (109)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (87)

>Kernel\FileGroup.cpp (520)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (109)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (87)

>Kernel\FileGroup.cpp (520)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (109)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (87)

>Kernel\FileGroup.cpp (520)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (109)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (87)

>Kernel\FileGroup.cpp (520)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (109)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (87)

>Kernel\FileGroup.cpp (520)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (109)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (87)

>Kernel\FileGroup.cpp (520)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (109)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (87)

>Kernel\FileGroup.cpp (520)

>Kernel\ServiceProvider.cpp (109)

>Kerne>SetupDLL\SetupDLL.cpp (1284)

PAPP:Oblivion - Construction Set

PVENDOR:Bethesda Softworks (##ID_STRING1##)



@Windows XP (7600) BT_OTHER 13331.30658


(I have it running in compatability mode with Windows XP SP3, and running as admin. Running Windows 7 Ultimate.


I have searched this, and found nothing referring to -5006. Sure there is -5004, -5007, -5009, just no 6. Please help me out here

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You don't need to run Windows 7 in compatibility mod for anything. Just make sure the game is installed outside of the default folder to a custom folder on your drive.


Installing Oblivion: http://tescosi.com/wiki/Oblivion:Installing_Oblivion


Uninstalling Oblivion: http://tescosi.com/wiki/Oblivion:Uninstalling_Oblivion




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