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Animating anger


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In attempting to follow instructions in a blender animation tutorial. it says to click on the head bone, press r and move it... doing so does NOTHING for me, ive followed every step included and its just not rotating the head for me. can anyone help?
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Which animation tutorial do you use, for I would never press only 'r', cause it's too unpredictable. Press 'r' followed by the axis (x,y, or z), And then move the mouse.


If this has no effect, then you are either not in pose mode, or have not selected the bone you want to rotate.


Another advice: when I change bone rotation or location, I usually do it in the transformation properties windows ('N').

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Looks like you're not following your tut to the point ;) Because it's very easy to make mistakes in Blender if you are a beginner.


I usually recommend coronerra's Adult Animation Tutorial For Noobs. It's very "specific", but goes step-by-step, and has a lot of pics.


In your case I assume that you have made a mistake when importing your skeleton. Maaybe you have not selected the body mesh before import, or have used wrong import parameters (you need 'import skeleton only and parent selected')

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