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Which 4gb patch/mod I'm supposed to use?


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Hi guys,


my ultra modded New Vegas used to work fine on my windows 7, no CTD or out of memory errors, but after I updated to windows 10 it stopped working. I know the problem was the 4gb patch I was using, it worked fine on windows 7 but for some reason it didn't work on windows 10, so I started looking for another patch but I can't understand which one I'm supposed to use, there are too many. I tested some of them and after a while I get the out of memory error.


Most of the 4gb patches here on nexus are old but claimed to work, however there are updated versions that are newer but doesn't work, then there are the verions downloadable from the comments sections, etc etc.


I'm starting to get confused and testing each one of them will require a lot of time and patience, and I don't really have lots of both.


So here I am asking you guys for you advice, please: which 4gb patch do you use on your windows 10 system?

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Have you tried running FNV in "compatibility mode" under Win10?


You may also need to adjust your "Data Execution Prevention" settings for the game.


If you have a more upscale version of Windows than a "Home" edition, you might also try running in a "MS Virtual Machine" window with Win7.


The 4GB patch does not prevent "out of memory errors". It simply enables a 32-bit game (like FNV) to use more than the default of 2GB of system RAM if more is available, up to about 3.8 GB. If you are running a 32-bit version of Win10, then you may need to make some Boot.INI adjustments as well. See the "2-4GB game memory limits and solutions" article in my signature for more detail.


As for which version of the patch, I am running this one (but in Windows 7).



Edited by dubiousintent
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Hi, thanks for the reply. I'm using windows 10 on a 64 bit machine, so that is not a problem :)


Also, for my settings and my mods the out of memory problem can only come for the lack of 4gb patch, since before the update I stopped having that problem a long time ago. For now it's fixed, so I'm good now :D

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No, I meant my 4gb patch worked right on my windows 7 64 bit system, then stopped working after updating to windows 10. Then I installed a different 4gb patch and it started working again (I'm not able to tell you which one, I tested so many).

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