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Fallout 4 unable to create new save/game


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Recently I was able to get my hands on a new computer, which had the parts required to play the game which is


Gpu: GeForce GTX 960

CPU: Intel[R] Core[TM] i7-6700 CPU@ 3.40 GHz

Memory 16.00 GB ram

And windows 10


I have no mods at all; neither do I have the nexus mod manager yet

However, although it does let me go to the title screen and I can click the new save thing, however, it takes a while to load, and eventually the little spinning ting freezes and I crash to desktop. Fallout 4 was one of the reasons why I wanted to get an upgrade, but I can't play it.

Is there any fix? I tried to do the verify thing, which didn’t seem to help, and I tried the run as admin, but when I do it always pops up in the game when I try to play asking if I want to let it run, and crashes to desktop with a new game appearing when I try which once again pops up.

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