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esm creating


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I have two problems with my mod, let me explain.


1.Missing worldspaces, items


I built my -quite large- mod, called Abaye-Angawey for a few months, but I encountered some problems in CS.

As the data growing, CS became more and more unstable, there were frequent crashes, and strange phantom-edits (a few trees appeared, objects gone/moved, etc). i installed the latest CS Extender, which is a brilliant stuff, but there are still random CTDs, especially when I working on places containing a lot of objects, like trees, rocks, and so on.

As I learned (probably well), solution can be to convert the plugin to esm, then continue the work to an additional esp, which containing the additional changes, of course. It worked like a charm, no crashes, fast, and so on...


Well, I tried to save the current state as an esm (OR previously converted with Gecko - does not matter, both ways have the same effect).

I loaded up the esm in the game. Everything which is affected by the mod, was gone entirely or partially. Player falls down, like items, enemies. Many objects are gone. Only a few (static only) objects remained in place.


When I change back to the esp, everything is okay.


What I did wrong, or misunderstand?


2. Reference Naming.


When I started the project, I did a lethal mistake: It is built upon an existing mod. First, it was a pure practicing piece, not intended to further development, even for release. But it growed from time to time, and there is a complete, detailed world, or realm, when I realized this thing.

Major problem is the main interior cell, which bears the original name (from that another mod). I have many references, scripts, which calls the interior's name, reneming would be a total disaster, I think.


There is any solution for this?


I rebuilt the whole thing with new name.


Edited by varlaisaran
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