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justice and mercy dual axes


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attention modders,i have a interesting challenge for you all.when taking up arms in dragon age i felt like i was sucked in and never pulled away even after the final battle between the archdemon AND the mother in awakening.and yet i was sadly disappointed when i discovered that DRAGON AGE ORIGINS DOES NOT ALLOW AN AXE IN BOTH HANDS!i was torn by this being that i have had a passion of playing most role play games with an axe in each hand.i thought that a mod named duality had solved my delema,but sadly no.i then gazed upon the emaraled sword and i felt like i wanted more.thus i humbly ask for the ultimate weapons be foraged for my dragon age experience....below is a description of the weapons.


once owned by a legendary spell warrior that controlled the earth element,the axes justice and mercy were weapons of choice in destroying an evil Cerberus hellbent on ruling the underworld.the valiant knight Brune Palagriz took up arms against the foul beast,restoring peace throughout the lands.little was known about the man except that he slew a raiding party of darkspawn in his travels to his homelands,but pepole from all realms of the earth have talked about his blades.made from emerald and starmetal,the blades glowed a light green.alone one axe could clear out a boulder with a single slice,but with both axes equipped by the user can cause fear and even panic among those who even dare to get in the way of these heroic weapons.


weapon traits for justice [main handed axe]

+20 health increase

+100%critical chance

+30 nature damage

+8 damage to darkspawn

+8damage to undead

+10 def

1 augment slot

weapon traits for mercy [off handed axe]

+20 stamina increase

+100%critical chance

+30 nature damage

+8 damage to dragons

+8damage to undead

+5%chance to stun

+10 attack

1 augment slot



now i say unto you modders that when you make this weapon try to make it radiate a green flame from both axes to make it authentic.

this is solely my idea,and should you wish to accept this challenge then i request i be emailed.


considering the drastic amount of spam bots we, and the rest of the IPboards are getting hit by, it's not wise to openly post your email address. -DarkeWolf


if i wind up having someone make it who knows?i may jus send em pics for an armour set.:D




ps:if ya need a pic jus email me and ill send one when i can.otherwise jus wing it.;p

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Heyas Palagriz :) Welcome to the Nexus! :)

I'm sorry for editing your very first post here, but all things considered, it's not a good thing to go publicly posting your email address. So better safe than sorry, I went ahead and removed that part of the post.


For dual wielding axes, you need to have the Dual Weapon Mastery skill. That will let you use one in each hand. At least with Hand Axes. Here's one of my really old pics of one of my first characters doing it. http://www.dragonagenexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=1341

For something like Battle Axes you need to use a mod like this- http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11


I think that you can cheat using the console, and then using the console command runscript addtalent 3036 http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Console_(Origins) to add the dual weapon mastery to the character.


Couple of things tho about the request you've got on those axes that I have to give you bad news about.


1) You can only add a total of 5 properties to the weapons. On one of them you've got 6 properties and on the other one you've got 7. Tho I think you could add the nature damage and aura via the installation of runes.

2) I'm NOT 100% sure of this, so I could definitely be wrong.... but I don't think that you can put more that one +X damage vs type on an item.


I'd recommend checking out Phaenen's The Winter Forge. http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=122

It will let you create your own custom items IN GAME, rather than in the toolset. I've used it for a very, very long time, and gotten to the point where I wouldnt play without it ;)


Good luck, and happy gaming :)



PS- the number of augmentation/rune slots depends on what material you make the weapons out of. The higher the tier material they are made of, the more slots they will have. For instance, Steel may have one slot, where dragonbone would have 3. ;)

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i totally agree with Darkewolf.


You can pick the tier for the weapon, and build it in the model you like (dwarven, human, elven etc) You can even change the tier tints using TWF. Silvery Dragonbone for example.


And i'm not sure about anyone else. but if you use the overide function for magical equipment, you can have as many magical properties as you like (i've made weapons that have ha 14+ different things)


I don't play without The Winter Forge now either.


if you like i could give you step by step instructions on how to make these 2 axes using TWF

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It's just taken me about 10 minutes to make your 2 axes with TWF.







90% crit chance is as high as i could get it to go. but if you are duel wielding both axes your total crit chance would be 180%, so the point is kinda moot.

I never noticed you had the Stun Chance on mercy when i went to go make these, but it would be easy to add that too. However, the game doesn't add Stun Chance as a percent as far as i am aware. It is a binary option; a weapon either has stun chance or not. (as is chance of paralysis... which makes me wonder why the paralyse runes come in different tiers)

(The reason it says 'Requires: 15 Magic' is because the character holding them is an Arcane Warrior)

Edited by TSotP
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omg!epic:D a dual weilding arcane warrior eh?nice.is there a way ya can mod it for warrior class?im mostly a warrior tank type class and the axes themselves kinda represent a bit of pride in my gaming.:D i hope that all races can use it.still i thank you for everything you are doing.and darkwolf i understand that it was silly of me to put in my email,but im not much of a forum goer since my guild was shut down.and i may be a bit of a slow learner as ive never modded before....but i wish to see if you guys can help my human noble warrior show the archdemon true fear.;D in addition if you can explain in simple minded guy terms on how to make mods...id appreciate it. as for the wepons themselves,i soooo wanna see the wepons and its epic green flame.:D there was one minor detail i left out...i was thinking it can be made outta starmetal to give it that edge.;p but thats jus me.i look forward to seeing the link to the wepon mod so i can test it.:D
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Heyas Palagriz :)


No worries about the email addy. Just tryin to protect the members of my family here in the DA forums ;)


It wouldn't need to be modded for the warrior class. The thing about AW's is that they use their magic talent as the attribute requirement for weapons and armor, rather than their strength. Because many AW's dont have the points to spend in the non-magic related attributes. So a warrior wielding these would use the STR attribute rather than magic ;)


Sorry to hear about your guild :( I know that happens with a lot of the online games :(


The newer versions of Winter Forge do also include starmetal as an available material ;)


Well, to make a mod like this you would need to download and install the Dragon Age toolset. Search for bioware dragon age toolset or fileplanet dragon age toolset for the download. Getting it to install correctly can be a royal crapshoot tho. Either it will run, or it won't :(

BUT... like I said earlier on.... the toolset will not make these axes within the specs that you're wanting. The toolset is limited to 5 properties per weapon. (+ 1 on-hit or one +X verses type) So making them yourself, in game, using the Winter Forge is the only way that you'd be able to get them with the specs that you're wanting.


Edit- Here's a link to a decent tutorial site on how to start out with the toolset ;) http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/index.php/Tutorials

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thanks for the mod info,ill check it when i can.however i installed TWF and tinkered a bit with the weapon creation,but i donno how to add my wanted stats in.my second concern is making my axes one handed,because it keeps making main handed weapons.finally im looking to make it have a green glow,and i saw a starmetal axe material.;p seems kinda coolies.;) if theres any tips that you giys can provide as to completing the quests for more creations as well as making the one handed wepons it will help a lot.:D
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I'll let TS handle the part about adding the properties, since I don't know if that changed any at all with the newer versions.

The thing about them being one handed, main hand weapons.... as long as you are creating hand axes, not battle axes, they will be main hand UNTIL you have the dual weapon mastery. (see my above post on how to cheat your character to have it) Once you have that skill, you can then wield the axe in either hand. Its not a matter of the weapon... its the character trying to use the weapon ;) S/He only knows how to use it in that one hand until they learn how to use it in either. ;) It's kinda like trying to teach your other hand how to write in cursive ;)

The same would be in effect if we were talking about swords. Until you have Dual Weapon Mastery, you can only handle a sword in the main hand. But after gaining the skill you can use it in either hand, or two at once ;)


The green glow will be applied when you add the nature damage, or enhance it with a nature rune. ;)


In the older version of twf that I'm using, you go into the camp and click on the aurel and choose to disable the material check. That makes it so that you can use the forge freely. Tho as I said, I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the new version since I can't play it.


Hope this helps some :)


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ah ok.i totally missed the part about the dual mastery.of course being an on call armed gaurd tends to be....annoying.XD if id be able to whip it out after mowing through the orzamar quest i wager i might have it,being im roughly 50% through a campaign play through.


thanks again for the help with the green glow.i never used nature damage before in game cause im used to regular fire,but its time i try something new.:D


as for the content concerning making my wepons,im using the newest versions.i noticed during the story with that elven chick there were a few typos in the dialog,and no voice.if theres a way ya can inform the mod maker about a quick proof read,it may help the community a bit.^^ ill recheck the info on the arua thing.i call it the pedastel.[its that glowy thing behind the elf in between the chest and the anvil]


-puts on student cap and bows-teach meh wise masters,the art of forage mastry.-looking at ts-[ ;D ]


once my weapons are made...im gonna march my happy booty down to the archdemon and act like oghren.'YA HEAR THAT NUG HUMPA!IM COMIN FOR YA!' >: D

heheh,had to toss in some humor to get rid of some professionalisim.:P lol.


but kidding aside im tinkering where i can and the wisdom of ts would be greatly appreciated.and ty dark wolf for all the aid youve given thus far.all i can do now is hope ts sees this so i can see some epic input.you two would be my how to kill darkspawn in new ways guide.;p hehe.

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