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Console problems

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I am trying to enter tcl 1, to toggle collisions so i can get into a place which has been hidden by a mod conflict, but when i input "tcl 1" into the console, with or without targeting my character, it spits back "ref togglecollisions off Ser Cauthrien" and sometimes it says "cleaning activators". I have tried other console commands, such as adding gold nuggets to my inventory, and the other commands work just fine. If anyone could explain why this particular command doesn't work, or give me a way to fix my console, I would greatly appreciate it. Just keep in mind the console does open, and tcl 1 used to work for me, as i used it to access the astral plane in MM:SoA, but now it does not. Any help, as i said, would be greatly appreciated. Edited by Khaosknight77
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