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[Mod Request] NPC Witcher's use their school swords

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I'd like to see a mod that swaps out the models of the swords of Letho, Eskel, Lambert, and Gaetan use the proper swords from their schools. I know Gaetan uses a Cat steel sword but is missing the silver sword. Eskel could use Bleidd as a silver while Lambert uses Maugrim. I figure it's better for a little variety plus Lambert wanted Vesemir's sword so I figured a somewhat plain one would be better. Also, while those swords aren't technically witcher gear they both have wolf heads on the pommels, so it indicates that they are from the Wolf School. As for the steel variety I'm thinking Black Unicorn for Lambert and Ultimatum for Eskel. Letho uses the Viper swords from HoS.

Edited by RevanFanMan
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